Burn from Fire

Burns from Fire 

                                                                                                                  Tall Grass Prairie 

Red Clover 
Trifolium pratense L.

Habitat: Fields and roadsides. 

Seasons: May - September.

Uses: Antispasmodic, expectorant, mild sedative, blood purifier, asthma, bronchitis. It's also            a wash for sores, burns, and ulcers. 

Preparation: Tea, wash, and poultice. 

Active Chemical Ingredient: Flavonoids.   

Chemical Structure: 

Resources: Trifolium Pratense - Natural Medicine Facts. http://www.naturalmedicinefacts.info/plant/trifolium-pratense.html

Foster, Steven, (2014). Field Guide to Medicinal Plants and Herbs of Eastern and Central North America. New York, New York: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.

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