Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Is it snowing? Because I see crystals!!!!


On Monday we had extra time so we had already cut out the filter paper needed for day 2 of the Aspirin lab. So we grabbed it from the folder we kept it safely stored in and headed back to the lab stations. My lab partner and I were extremely happy that our Aspirin turned out amazingly good!! It wasn't fluffy like the other ones around ours (which is good!!). Ours had beautiful hard crystals! So we set up the lab for the day 2 part as we should, and we got every bit of the Aspirin out of the beaker onto the filter paper. The Buchner funnel helped us separate the liquid from the crystals. The most tedious part of the lab though was picking up the filter paper from the inside of the funnel onto the watch glass. That part was my job. I didn't want the paper to tear while I was pulling it out, and I didn't want to spill or knock off any Aspirin that we made. In the end, I was practically a surgeon with her PhD! I took it out so carefully and smoothly! I didn't even tear the paper or spill any Aspirin! I was super proud of myself and the teamwork between me and my partner! We did the lab as successfully as we could! We were careful and precise about anything and everything! I can't wait how it turns out when it has dried out for all fall break!

1 comment:

  1. Wow that looks fun! Like most of the class I didn't get to participate however without passing the prelab quiz I could've been a danger. How much aspirin did your group produce? You say you were precise and I would think that was the hardest and most important part of this lab.
