Sunday, April 17, 2016

Boat Races!!!

Man oh man was this a stressful, yet fun, project! My partner and I had to design a boat that would float, not turn into a flaming ball of fire, and be light enough for our putt-putt engine to push it across the gutter using our biodiesel and a candle wick as the fuel. I'm glad my partner was in engineering because I wouldn't know where to start! He came up with a good design to use a milk carton as a boat. We made tons of modifications to the boat the first day of testing but our engine kind of let us down. 2 days later the day of the race we had a different boat that was a little shorter with the engine lower. Our little boat made it across at record time of 55 seconds! Our boat may have been the slowest in our class but in my heart it was the fastest! Slow and steady wins the race! It was cool that we used actual fuel to burn the candle wick to make our boat go. It was a fun project with some stress added to it because getting it across the gutter was a trouble the first day of testing our boat. But we made it!

Here's our cute little boat!

1 comment:

  1. I loved your boat! Although it wasn't the fastest one, I still loved your boat's enthusiasm to make it to the finish line! :)
